
The Virtual Liver Life Walk is the national fundraising event of the American Liver Foundation. More than 10,000 people from coast to coast come together and raise close to $2 million annually. Although we are not able to host a large in-person walk this year, it is important for us to ensure everyone with liver disease is provided with the resources they need by continuing to raise funds in support of our mission. While there is no required fundraising minimum, we encourage participants to raise at least $100.

  • Every individual participant who raises $100 will get an official 2020 Liver Life Walk event t-shirt!
  • Walkers can qualify for additional fundraising prizes by earning 2,500 or more. Click here to see all of the prizes offered!

Matching Gifts

Does your company have a matching gift program?

*Mail or In-Person: Please send matching gift forms, offline and non-cash donations to our office at:

American Liver Foundation
Attn: Liver Life Walk 
39 Broadway, Suite 2700
New York, NY 10006


Fundraising Resources

Liver Life Walk Experience Guide

Coming Soon

Walker Guide

Coming Soon

Team Captain Guide

Coming Soon

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