Liver Life Walk is a signature event of the American Liver Foundation (ALF). It allows people affected by liver disease to come together to raise awareness and funds. The virtual liver life walk allows you to support the ALF in a way that is just as unique as you and your own journey with liver disease. Host a gathering at your home or meet at your favorite walking location to raise awareness and funds for the liver community.
Funds raised through the Liver Life Walk allow ALF to provide valuable resources to liver patients and their families. Together, we are moving closer to a world without liver disease.
Incentives Deadlines
- Early Bird T-shirt Deadline: Walkers who individually raise $100 by August 26 will receive the official Liver Life Walk t-shirt. Participants that reach this goal by the deadline will have their shirt mailed to them before October.
- Walkers who raise $100 after the deadline will get their shirts mailed to them in November.
Virtual Liver Life Walk Map
This year we have big goals for the Virtual Liver Life Walk! We are aiming for at least one walker from every state. Help us fill the map by registering today! As new walkers join, you’ll see states turn green.
Event Chair

Meet the 2023 Liver Life Walk Arizona Event Chair, Kelsey Krasnov. Kelsey walks in honor of her son, Valen, and in memory of his “Tummy Angel”. Learn more about why this walk means so much to the Krasnov family.
Liver Champion

Meet the 2023 Liver Life Walk LIVEr Champion, Victoria Yocum. At the age of 5, Victoria was diagnosed with Wilson’s Disease and last year, at the age of 23, she received a life-saving liver transplant. Learn more about Victoria’s liver journey.
How it works
- Register – Register as a walker or team captain! $20 fee for Team Captains (All other registrants, no fee)
- Personalize – Customize your personal page with your story.
- Share – Spread the word about your fundraiser and ask for support.
- Participate- Choose your own way to support the American Liver Foundation this October!
Livestream Time:
Livestream URL:
Alise Jackson
COVID-19 Policy:
Read ALF’s full COVID-19 policy.

Top Fundraisers
Top Teams
Top Steppers
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Liver Cup Challenge
The Liver Life Walk – Liver Cup Challenge provides a unique opportunity for medical teams across the country to engage in a friendly competition!

Volunteers are critical to the success of Liver Life Walk. Click here to learn how you can volunteer and help make a difference.

Fundraising 101
Kick-off your fundraising, or explore tips to up your game. We’ve compiled helpful tools to fuel your success.